Mom, It's Burning! – Recipes, Culture, & Chaos by Cuisine

For people who don’t belong in the kitchen yet LOVE to be there anyway. Where’s my support group?!

My recipe instructions are written in such a way that people who don’t like to pay attention and people who know everything, and people who like more detail can get a grasp of what’s going on –– so you can joyfully make your mess and eat it too.

Ashley’s Apple Pancakes!


Calling all chaotic wanna-be chefs! Today we’re spicing up breakfast with apple pancakes, or as I like to call them, dramatized pancakes.

Inspired by a very loose understanding of how an upside-down cake is made, this recipe was created to celebrate the joy of combining healthy and nutritionally-questionable foods into one meal. I then 10x this by adding in some fun, crunchy, accessible yet obnoxiously bougie, yummy stuff to give it the dignity we all desire out of life.

As always, if you’re a visual learner or content skimmer, I will never forget you – here’s a vlog where I made this dish for breakfast.

[cooking starts at 04:26, roughly 2 mins long]

The gag:

I have never flipped this pancake perfectly. Yet I have flipping improvement rates increasing with each attempt. I have made this two times, I’m confident the third time will be the charm. Good luck to you.

The good news:

After doing some research for my video below, I found out that this recipe/concept EXISTS and is an established dish in Germany. Unglaublich! It’s called apfelpfannkuchen (doesn’t get more dramatized than that). It’s much prettier and less chaotic.

Here’s a bougie apfelpfannkuchen recipe, here’s a basic apfelpfannkuchen recipe, and here’s somebody’s grandma making apfelpfannkuchen.


Apples + Apple Seasoning

  1. Apples, sliced or chopped (you should peel them, but I probably won’t until I reach the mature age of 35)

  2. Honey

  3. Chia Seeds

  4. Cinnamon

  5. Vanilla Extract

  6. A Few Drops of Milk or Water

Pancake + Pancake Seasoning

  1. Pancake Batter Stuff: I’ll let you figure that out. I use a pre-made batter… I don’t know how to make it from scratch yet.

  2. Cocoa Powder (not the bougie baking one otherwise known as cacao)

  3. Butter, chopped

Extra Credit Seasoning

  1. Almonds or any kind of nut

  2. Peanut Butter

  3. Ice Cream (moose tracks would be amazing)

The Making, the Messing, & the Burning in the Blessing

  1. Season the Apples: add all these things to a bowl

    • Butter

    • Honey

    • Cinnamon

    • Vanilla Extract

    • A few drops of water or milk

    • Apple Slices

    • Coco Powder

    • Chia Seeds (add these last if you don’t like ‘em puffy)

  2. Mix/Whisk Stuff: pancake batter time!

    • make your batter in a separate bowl

  3. Cook: On medium-ish heat

    1. butter or oil the pan

    2. add in seasoned apples to the pan and hear them sizzle (dance to this sizzle for like 2 mins)

    3. pour batter over the seasoned apples so they are completely covered

    4. Let him cook (might take bit)

  4. Bedazzle: with Almonds and left-over Apple Seasoning

  5. Flip It: hehe

Survival Tip

Surrender to the idea that this is destined to be a crumble, fully submit to this by crumbling the pancake after the flip fails!

Next Level

This even tastes good the next day, in particular if you decide to further dramatize by adding peanut butter (natural is fire if you can handle it) and ice cream!

The Credits


original article name: Apple Pancakes

new article name: Ashley’s Dramatized Apple Pancakes Are Really Just Unrecognizable Apfelpfannkuchen!

Languages // German

Incredible! ––––– Unglaublich!

Grandma ––––– Oma

cook chaotically and joyfully, friends

x Ashley